
Distance Learning/Teaching

It’s been long time to update… sorry. We are currently doing distance learning/teaching. Since March 2020 a lot of schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all shocked and wonder when we will be back… sometimes I am still daydreaming where I am and where I go… I like traveling too, so I […]

“Authentic” Ways and Materials

It’s been awhile that I didn’t update information here. From last year, I have been presented at State and National conferences and mostly, I focused on Discovery Learning and Integration in Bilingual Classrooms. I really appreciate those colleagues and friends who supported me to do research on “authentic materials” to broaden my view to discuss […]

Thinking Starting This Program Many Many Years…

Never thought I would start a program “Lively Language” to interact with more people from the outside world of the teaching career. Helping more people to learn “Lively Language” is a goal to drive me to find more possibilities to set up programs or workshops. Learning a new language is not only a challenge but […]

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