Geocaching is a relatively new activity that individuals or groups can use for learning or social connections (Battista et al., 2016). Here are two examples that I use in my class:
- Science Fieldtrip. I give students instructions and they use Geocaching to find the mystery boxes in the woods.
- Language Learning. I provide students with directions and words, and they work together to find the prizes hidden on campus.

Geocaching can help students collaborate with their peers while utilizing technology. During the “treasure hunting” process, students communicate with their teams and work together to solve problems. This highly motivated activity can engage students in learning inside and outside the class (Robinson & Hardcastle, 2016). Furthermore, teachers can utilize geocaching to promote physical movement among students.
One benefit of geocaching activities is that students can engage in physical movement and exercise. They feel excited when they find the treasure box and often like to share their success with teachers and classmates.
However, one obstacle teachers and students might face during geocaching activities is problems with mobile technology. For example, during field trips, there might be instances where mobile signals are lost, which could cause frustration among students and hinder their exploration.
Battista, R.A., West, S. T., Mackenzie, S. H., & Son, J. (2016). Is this exercise? No, it’s geocaching! Exploring factors related to aspects of geocaching participation. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 34(2), 30-48.
Robinson, S., & Hardcastle, S. (2016). Exploring the attitudes toward and experiences of geocaching amongst families in the community. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 26(2), 187-197.