Hardware and Software

Hardware and Software

Instructional technology can provide students with a variety of ways to engage each other to have a profound impact on their academic performance (Stephens & Roberts, 2017). More and more schools begin to integrate instructional technologies to increase the learning outcome. In this paper, the author will share 10 resources including hardware and software for learning.

Voice-Recognition Software

The voice-recognition software can turn the spoken word into written words on computers or other devices so learners who have hearing issues are able to access the lecture content. For example, Google Docs Voice Typing is a free program that can help to convert voice to text. Many teachers use this in the classroom to support all students with diverse needs. UD involves providing materials and information accessible to the greatest extent possible. This design ensures students have choices for demonstrating knowledge and suggests teachers deliver instruction in multiple ways.

Braille Keyboard

A Braille keyboard has eight keys that are used to compose the Braille letters. This Braille keyboard can assist visually-impaired learners to navigate and locate the cursor much easier. The author used to have the Qwerty keyboards to assist students, but Braille also assists students in learning very well. When students come to the class to learn, teachers would need to provide content that is suitable for the diverse students’ needs. Providing accessible content can also promotes independent learning. With the UD approach and many other technology tools, teachers can improve the accessibility of the course to benefit more students.


Geocaching is a relatively new activity that individuals or groups can use for learning or social connections (Battista et al., 2016). It can help students collaborate with their peers while utilizing technology. During the “treasure hunting” process, students communicate with their teams and work together to solve problems. In this assignment, the author will prepare a lesson plan that incorporates Geocaching activities. This highly motivated activity can engage students in learning both inside and outside of the class (Robinson & Hardcastle, 2016). Furthermore, teachers can utilize geocaching to promote physical movement among students. One benefit of geocaching activities is that students can engage in physical movement and exercise. They feel excited when they find the treasure box and often like to share their success with teachers and classmates.


Monday.com is an open platform designed for anyone to create the tools they need to run the work (Monday, n.d.). You can use the ready-made templates or customize any work solutions. It is easy to organize views. We can share data across teams. It autosaves the work so people don’t lose information when exiting the app. It does not have recurring tasks for routine items like Asana. The price is higher than other apps.


Doodle is a Swiss online calendar tool for time management and coordinating meetings (Doodle, n.d.). This platform is easy to set up a time for interviews so the author and her team can arrange a time to do an interview panel. It’s free and the loading time is .2 seconds. When there are questions, people can submit tickets for customer service. The data processing and conditions are strict so customers should not have too much concern.

Podcasting and Vodcasting

Podcasting and Vodcasting have significantly expanded teaching and learning opportunities in education (Meng, 2005). I work with a startup school and our team start using podcasting or vodcasting to reach more families and engage the communities in school activities. However, there are negative perspectives when using podcasting or vodcasting in education.

According to research in higher education (Miner & Stefaniak, 2018), instructors’ perception is that students would not rewatch videos. They developed videos and could see the times students actually access the material. Additionally, some students consider vodcasting as supplemental materials because they prefer face-to-face lecturing.


According to Gao and Li (2017), social networking and microblogging enable learners to communicate with peers around the world synchronously and asynchronously. I suggest others follow these two experts. Educators working in a similar filed can get fresh ideas from experts and bring them back to their work. I would organize microblogging by topics so that learners do not get overwhelmed. Additionally, clear instructions should be defined to let students know the expectation when communicating through microblogging Hadian & Froese, 2014). Lastly, I would demo how to use microblogging discussion in class to ensure all students are able to access the program to communicate effectively.

Many recent hardware and software improvements have shown that AR and VR will be reliable enough to enhance learning in a variety of programs (Elmqaddem, 2019). The three chosen areas will be social study learning in elementary school, language learning, and science learning.

AR and VR

Many recent hardware and software improvements have shown that AR and VR will be reliable enough to enhance learning in a variety of programs. According to Stavroulia and Lanitis (2019), when designing the scenarios, analysis and investigation are vital to implementing AR/VR. When integrating AR/VR into elementary school classrooms, there are several elements to be considered.

  • Hardware/software. The school should ensure the AR/VR sets are prepared. Headsets, computers, tablets, or materials that include educational resources should be ready for teachers and students to use.
  • Content should be age-appropriated. There are various educational resources for virtual field trips. However, teachers need to design or choose age-appropriate materials for their students.
  • Evaluation. The school should evaluate the process and improve the program as needed.


Technology has been integrated into teaching and learning for many years. Educators including teachers and administrators look for more information and resources to support teachers to implement technology. With access to technology, the learning experience for students has been improved (Francom, 2016).


Battista, R.A., West, S. T., Mackenzie, S. H., & Son, J. (2016). Is this exercise? No, it’s geocaching! Exploring factors related to aspects of geocaching participation. Journal of Park & Recreation Administration, 34(2), 30-48. https://doi.org/10.18666/JPRA-2016-V34-I2-6495

Doodle. (n.d.). https://doodle.com/en/

Elmqaddem, N. (2019). Augmented reality and virtual reality in education. Myth or reality? International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(3), 234-242. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v14i03.9289

Francom, G. M. (2016). Educational technology use among K-12 teachers: What technologies are available and what barriers are present? Online Submission. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED582680

Miner, S., & Stefaniak, J. (2018). Learning via video in higher education: An exploration of instructor and student perceptions. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 15(2), 1-14. https://discovery.ebsco.com/c/36ffkw/viewer/pdf/4q6y4jo6fj

Robinson, S., & Hardcastle, S. (2016). Exploring the attitudes toward and experiences of geocaching amongst families in the community. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 26(2), 187-197. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2015.1061116

Stavroulia, K. -E., & Lanitis, A. (2019). Enhancing reflection and empathy skills via using a virtual reality-based learning framework. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 14(7), 18-36. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v14i07.9946

Hardware and Software
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